
Category: Info

  • March 2010 meeting

    about 6 people came to this meeting. Jessica Tanenhaus gave a presentation on Inkscape. In summary, Inkscape is an advanced image creation program that is similar to Illustrator and CorelDraw. In contrast to most image creation programs, Inkscape creates scalable vector graphics (SVG) files rather than ‘raster’ files. The difference is that raster images distort […]

  • March 2010

    Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday March 1 2010.

  • Feb 1 2010n

    We had a scribus presentation this week. In the presentation, Dave B. compared a desktop publisher with a word-processor. He showed us how he uses Scribus to make a publication that he distributes. In his presentation, he illuminated the major differences between using a word-processor and desktop publishing program. His comparison was enlightening. For example, […]

  • Jan 4th 2010

    About 6 people showed for this meeting. Matt, the local who uses Linux for racing, came again. He brought his newest gadget called a mini-box. He wanted to use the device on-board monitoring computer for recording his car’s race data. Since he car will have a lot of vibration we recommended that he use a […]

  • Dec 2009 meeting notes

    About 8 people showed up. We had an open meeting today. Topics discussed: 1. Novell’s Open Enterprise server using Suse to interconnect with Active Directory. 2. What Linux are you survey . The survey is found here. 3. What do people use for managing server configurations ? – Nick answer: cfengine, puppet, custom scripts with […]