March 2010 meeting

about 6 people came to this meeting.

Jessica Tanenhaus gave a presentation on Inkscape.
In summary, Inkscape is an advanced image creation program that is similar to Illustrator and CorelDraw. In contrast to most image creation programs, Inkscape creates scalable vector graphics (SVG) files rather than ‘raster’ files. The difference is that raster images distort when you try to scale them up or down. SVG files scale. In her presentation, Jessica highlighted the major differences between programs that generate ‘raster’ images and ‘SVG’ files. Raster images work fine if you do not need to change the size. However, if you do need to change the size of an image you need to have your image in SVG format to eliminate distortions. Inkscape is good at creating Logos. It is good at allowing you to blure images. During the presentation, she showed us how to modify gradients. She demonstrated that Inkscape’s strengths. One strength, is its many keyboard shortcuts. Another is ease of editing.

Some sites she recommended for training are as follows:
Youtube user rfqierin
Youtube user heathnxyt

Category: Info