April 4 2016 Meeting notes
We met on Monday April 4th 2016 at 7PM at the Starbucks in the old Harbor Plaza. About 8 people showed up.
Category: Info
We met on Monday April 4th 2016 at 7PM at the Starbucks in the old Harbor Plaza. About 8 people showed up.
We had about 8 people at this meeting. We met at the Starbucks in Severna Park, MD. Topics discussed: Ijet paid our Meetup bill – Thanks ijet. ezboot Drives – 250GB SSD drives are selling for $50 and the price of them is getting really low. Media servers – Kodi Nix and systemd – Patrick […]
This LUG meeting met at Barnes and Nobles. We had about 10 people show up for the meeting. At the meeting topics ranged from Hacking a laundry machine to getting training. As for training, Brad mentioned he took a $50 course through Piston. He said the training was ok, but the software tools they provided […]
We met at Barnes and nobles. We had about 10 people show up for this meeting. There were two talks going on at the same time at this meeting. On one corner of the table Tim Cash brought some hardware that was being troubleshot. We also had a talk about software. On software there was […]
The January 2015 meeting was in Barnes and Nobles from 7PM to 9PM. We had about 8 users. Tim C. brought in a broken ATX mini case that was missing a cover. He said that he was having a power issue. Brad the previous owner of this object advised him to screw the cover back […]