
Category: Info

  • meeting notes for Dec 2013 and Jan 2014

    We have been having great turn outs despite the cold. On January 6, 2014 we meet. We had about 10 people. The discussion started with Brad talking about Xen and Citrix. Apparently, Xen-Server is now opensource. This used to be a commerical product sold by Citrix while the simplier version Xen was opensource. The Opensource […]

  • Nov 2013 meeting notes

    We have been having very good turnouts for the meetings. All the chairs in the conference room are full. Today, we talked about various topics. Tim Cash started the talk with some questions in regards to building a new machine. He had some questions about monitors and DVI on a 24 inch. Dave D. mentioned […]

  • Meeting Notes: August 5 2013

    Dick Seabrook from AACC came and talked about Linux and programming classes available at AACC. Recently he came out of retirement and has been putting together some very challenging introductory to advance Linux classes. He is teaching CSI 135 in the fall semester. Take csi 135 online if you want to develop shell programming skills […]

  • meeting notes: March 4th 2013 at 7PM.

    We had an open meeting. About 8 people showed up for the meeting. We had a bunch of new people during this meeting. We discussed using the Linux command line. We helped a user with an Ubuntu install. We also discussed Linux news sources.

  • meeting notes: Feb 4th 2013 at 7PM.

    Richard Cruz gave a presentation on AMD’s | SEAMICRO “SECRET SAUCE” TO EFFICIENCY. During this presentation, he will showed some really cool new hardware. SeaMicro is a AMD owned company that provides tiny modular servers which are helping making server datacenters more efficient. Directions: