Feb 1 2010n

We had a scribus presentation this week. In the presentation, Dave B. compared a desktop publisher with a word-processor.
He showed us how he uses Scribus to make a publication that he distributes. In his presentation, he illuminated the major differences between using a word-processor and desktop publishing program. His comparison was enlightening. For example, he stated the desktop publisher allows you to make import photos and designs in any shape or size. He imported a picture of penguin and converted the image to a circle. In the image, he added a text path and inputed some text in a circular path around the image. He also showed how a desktop publisher easily allows you to add text and wrap in around an image and through the image. Scribus has ports in Windows, Mac, and Linux. Scribus can be downloaded here.

In addition to Dave’s presentation, Jessica gave a mini presentation to Lyx a Latex editor with a gui. Latex is a great tool for creating indexes, table of contents, and presenting mathematical formulas.

Next Week Jessica is to present on inkscape.

Nick went on and on about how developers are like monkeys. Nick said he likes to put candy in his office so he can observe the monkeys bizarre working rituals. Maybe he should have been a zoologist 😛 Additionally, Nick on about icecream and work, but I lost track of this diatribe.

Category: Info